The Transformative Power of Reading

Transformative Power of Reading

(Photo Credit: Black Christian News Network)

One of the most powerful ways to awaken, develop, strengthen, and renew your inner intellectual is through reading substantive pieces each day. When you read substantive works, your knowledge grows, your imagination becomes broader, and your capacity to dream elevates. Reading permits you to not only discover many or most of the answers you seek, but also it enables you to formulate the right questions, questions that will lead you to a better, more interesting, and more successful life. This intentional focus on your inner intellectual will pay true dividends in enhancing your self-concept and naturally and ultimately your self-esteem.

When you read quality material, material that relates to your interests, aspirations, and search for answers, your purposeful reading will serve as a strong defense against negative factors affecting and influencing your self-concept and self-esteem.

Reading substantive literature, such as slave narratives, allows for you to place the challenges, barriers, and problems you face in their proper context. When you read slave narratives, you will learn about individuals who persevered and triumphed in impossible conditions—conditions much more difficult than you will ever be able to imagine. These stories about how American heroes and heroines endured these impossible conditions will inspire you to continue to strive for success—even when success falsely appears unlikely and barriers seem like they will never be conquered. Look for the strategies, values, principles, and thinking that led to those individuals’ success. Find ways to incorporate what contributed to their success into your own life.

Use your school library, public library, and the internet to find books and articles that pertain to your interests and goals. One of the greatest investments you can make in yourself each day is to read something that is going to support your interests and place you further on the path to achieving your goals. Each day is an opportunity to learn something new. Don’t waste a moment in self-doubt. Expand your knowledge, expand your horizons, expand your imagination through a commitment to reading meaningful books and articles that pertain to your interests and goals.

A commitment to purposeful reading every day is one of the most powerful ways of strengthening your self-concept and self-esteem. With this commitment, your mind becomes occupied with self-advancement, pursuing your interests, and meeting your goals.

Let books and articles occupy your mind, limiting the amount of time for condemnation, peer pressure, and self-doubt to discourage you and halt your progress.

Dr. Antonio Maurice Daniels

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Why They Killed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Brief Note

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Death

(Photo Credit: Heavy)

When one carefully studies the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it becomes evident that racists desirous of his death targeted his voice, literally. Various attacks on his body were intentionally centered on his mouth. Even on the dreadful day of his execrable assassination, April 4, 1968, it was a bullet that shattered his jaw. It wasn’t only King’s life that bothered racists, the racial caste system, Jim Crow, and white supremacy, but it was also his voice, that powerful, that revolutionary, that eloquent, that authentically black voice they wanted to silence and bury forever.

Immutable, inextinguishable, fueled by an enduring, unconditional love, King’s voice incessantly and resoundingly speaks from the grave.

Find your voice. Allow no one to silence and bury it.

Dr. Antonio Maurice Daniels

University of Wisconsin-Madison